Keratosis Pilaris: What It Is And How To Treat It

in Feb 9, 2024


01 What is Keratosis Pilaris?

02 Symptoms

03 Causes & Triggers

04 How to manage it

05 Key Takeaways


01 What is Keratosis Pilaris?


Keratosis Pilaris (KP), often referred to as "Chicken Skin or Strawberry Legs," is a common skin condition that affects many people worldwide. It’s important to note that there is no cure, but there are certain skin care practices that can be easily incorporated into your weekly routine to help reduce it’s redness, inflammation and even lighten scarring from Keratosis Pilaris.

The condition manifests as small, red or skin-colored bumps that typically appear on the upper arms, legs, buttocks, and can often be often mistaken for razor burn. KP occurs when keratin, a protein that forms the outer layer of the skin, clogs hair follicles, leading to the development of these rough, raised bumps.


02 Symptoms


  1. Bumpy Skin: The primary symptom of KP is the presence of small, goosebump-like bumps on the skin. These bumps may be white, red, or skin-colored and are usually painless.
  2. Rough Texture: The affected areas often feel rough and dry, similar to sandpaper. This texture results from the buildup of keratin in the hair follicles.
  3. Occasional Itching: Some individuals with KP experience mild itching in the affected areas, but it's typically not severe.


03 Causes & Triggers


Why Does KP Love to Crash the Party? KP is kind of a mystery guest – showing up thanks to a combo of genetics and dry skin conditions. It's more likely to make an appearance if your skin's already on the dry side or if you're in the midst of a cold, dry climate. And while anyone can get acquainted with KP, it often first pops up in childhood and decides to stick around into adulthood.

We’ve included a breakdown below of the most common triggers below:

Dry Skin: One of the primary factors that exacerbate KP is dry skin. When the skin lacks moisture, the buildup of keratin (a protein found in the outer layer of the skin) in hair follicles can become more pronounced, leading to rough and bumpy skin.

Cold, Dry Weather: Cold and dry climates, particularly during the winter months, can worsen KP. The combination of cold air outside and indoor heating systems can strip the skin of its natural moisture, making KP more noticeable.

Lack of Moisturizing: Failing to moisturize regularly can allow dry skin to persist, which can worsen KP.

Scratching or Picking: Scratching or picking at KP bumps can lead to inflammation, redness, and potential scarring.

Dietary Factors: While more research is needed, some individuals report that certain dietary factors, like dairy or gluten, can affect their KP symptoms.


04 How to manage it


  1. Moisturize Like It's Your Job: Keeping your skin hydrated is key. Look for lotions packed with luscious ingredients like urea, glycolic acid, or hyaluronic acid that keep your skin feeling like silk.
  2. Gentle Exfoliation: Introduce your KP bumps to a gentle exfoliating buddy. A deep exfoliating mitt can work wonders when it comes to liberating keratin plugs and unclogging follicles, not to mention sweeping away dead skin cells. It also preps your skin perfectly to soak up all the goodness from your skincare products.
  3. Show Some Love with Oils: Applying oils like coconut oil, known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, can deeply moisturize, soothe, and soften the rough texture of KP bumps.

Pro Tips:

  • Warm, Not Hot: As tempting as a hot shower or bath can be, keep the water warm to avoid drying out your skin.
  • Pat, Don't Rub: After bathing or exfoliating, gently pat your skin dry to keep all that moisture where it belongs.
  • Sun's Out, SPF's Out: KP can get a bit shy under the sun, so don't forget your sunscreen to protect and help reduce the appearance of KP.


05 Key Takeaways


Conquering Keratosis Pilaris (KP) might not happen overnight, but with the right care and a pinch of patience, smoother skin is within reach. Remember, the secret sauce lies in moisturizing religiously, opting for gentle exfoliation, and nurturing your skin with hydrating oils.

Keep those showers warm, pat dry, and never skimp on the SPF! By integrating these skin-loving practices into your routine, you're not just managing KP; you're embracing a holistic approach to healthier, more radiant skin.